white and cream felt, thread, silver and blue embroidery floss, beads, fiberfill
I am enjoying making these things.
Especially late at night after the kids have gone to bed and I'm too tired to do much thinking. Sewing can be meditative.
I also enjoy the way the sculpture arises out of the medium.
Yes, I have the same pattern for all of the flying girls in the same medium, but the color of the felt or the thoughts in my head, or the time of the year, or whatever happened that day it all combines to make an individual piece that is unlike any other.
I know I am not the best seamstress in the world, but I also enjoy something about the hand made quality, the visibility of the stitches and the knots.
I guess I think that light and love (and life itself) is made of knots and threads and bobbles and mistakes... and sometimes we can turn the accidents of life into something that fairly glows with the livingness of it all.
I particularly like the little white bird hanging below, "LIGHT" written in silver thread.
I hadn't planned to go that way, but all while I was embroidering the geometric silver light/shapes I was thinking about what it all meant.
Instead of a banner, I went with a bird.
Sometimes you can just let things flow, you know what I mean?
Trust that it will come out and make sense and become something that you can value, even if it isn't exactly what you thought it would be when you started out.
Oh, hey. Speaking of trusting.... I just posted this in my etsy shop, despite needing to make dinner and being afraid (the real issue) of starting in with a new medium. You can check it out here.
This is just lovely.
Reminds me to wipe the dust off my sewing machine and start to actually use it.
I have alot to say with regards to your most recent post on 'body and home' but this is about as much as I can do right now.
I need to sleep!
I love your flying girls. I'm partial to the white one above and the pink one. I love the way you decorated them. Very kool! :)
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