glitter, gesso, acrylic gel medium, pencil, paper bag, paint pen
This holiday season, I am making a real effort to focus on the home made, hand made, creative and non-materialistic things. I'm making gifts and cooking and decorating and hoping to help my kids see that it's not just about getting presents.
And to keep myself from getting overwhelmed by all of the crafting, baking, making, doing, painting, holidaying and ho ho ho-ing, I have decided to take on the challenge of doing one creative, crafty holiday task a day.
And since the online challenges have been such a help to me, I've decided to ask if anyone else wants to join in.
So here are the (loosely defined) rules.
I do solemnly swear that I am up to crafty goodness (or naughtiness).
Every day in the month of December, until the 25th, I will make something crafty/arty/creative/festive.
If I miss a day, I will not panic. I will just keep going, or maybe I'll do two things the next day, or maybe give myself a break. Or maybe I will count that eggnog I made for a party, or the cookies I baked for the kids, or decorating the Christmas tree, or wrapping those presents beautifully.
I will have fun, because this isn't a race or a competition.
I will not freak out with the pressures of the season, and that is why I am giving myself the whole month to get there, day by day.
I will do it bit by bit. And I will count the bits I am doing, even if they aren't perfect/complete/fancy.
I will put my love into my creative endeavors.
I will not put too much pressure on myself to make things perfect, because hand made is loved, and imperfection is lovely.
I will celebrate myself, my creativity, my loved ones and the season with all of the wonderful goodness that is upon us.
I will go with the flow, after making my lists, and see where this adventure takes me.
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So there are my rules if you want to play along.
The only other rules I can think of are to put your name and your blog address in my comments, if you want me to put you in the sidebar, so we can cheer each other along in our creative holiday month. Or if you don't want to commit to a sidebar, you can just put a link to your creative projects in the comments.
I was also thinking about making a pinterest board with my 25 days of creativity project-- in fact I've just done it. Now I will be able to add all the creative projects, with links back to their blog or flickr account. I think it would be a fun place to collect all the projects in one place.
Well. I'm ready for the holidays... are you?
p.s. I finished my nanowrimo 50k words yesterday. woo hoo! Not done with the novel, but I am done with the November challenge. Thank you November. You kicked my butt. See you next year.