An Altered Book, Mixed Media 2003
Chapter 11 Adventure
Here she is, Flying Girl. Jumping and falling and flying and gaining powers and becoming herself. It's so funny to see Flying Girl in other stages of my life. She first appeared when I was in college, but keeps popping up.
This is another timely chapter to my book, because I have to say I am freaked out.
It's looking like the move to California, knock on wood, might actually happen soon, (crossing fingers). It has been postponed again and again and I am kind of at my wit's end about it all. But the possibility of it happening soon is scaring the hell out of me.
I'm a nester. I sit and make my spot in life comfortable. I collect things and get myself a comfy chair and a lot of books and I cook nice food and paint things to put on the walls.
But this move will be a blank slate. A fresh start. From zero, pretty much.
I don't know anything about California except what I see in tv and movies and read in books and hear from distant friends. It sounds cool and all... but it won't be anything like what my life used to be like. Of course, my life now isn't what it used to be like.
But I know that the way to handle this kind of fear is to reframe your thinking.
The unkown can be scary... it is true... but you want to know what else it can be? Say it with me.
Rather than focusing on how frightening it can be to be in completely new surroundings, cut off from the familiar, I am going to focus on the adventure of it. The discovery. The possibilities.
I've never seen the Pacific.
That's exciting.
Or San Francisco.
That's exciting.
I'm looking forward to adventures in thrifting and yardsaling. I love that kind of stuff. I am looking forward to decorating a home.
Come to think of it, I am looking forward to being without all the stuff that often keeps us back. Sometimes it is literal stuff, all the posessions that we hold onto and that keep us in a certain place, sometimes it is our psychological stuff.
This scary move into the unknown, is it not just a super adventure and the chance to focus on all those things I've always wanted to focus on?
Maybe my super powers will be set free. Like this flying girl in her chapter here.
Oh. PS. On the nanowrimo front. Yesterday was a good day. I started off early and made a list of things I had to do, and then... I did them. I know, I know, novel concept. But the more small steps I too towards doing these things, the less they were scary and overwhelming.
I am on stage 4 of the snowflake outline method, and probably won't get to the end, but I never have gotten to the end of that. And I would totally be able to start this baby tonight if it were November 1st. What I'd really like to do is finish my 50k words by the middle of November, so if I do actually move by the end of November, which is one of the possibilities, then I won't have to deal with packing and writing a novel and moving and freaking out all at once.
I have decided the 100 hours in 100 days concept is not working for me. Sadly. I think I'm going to have to let the concept go for these last 100 days of 2009. It's not working. I gave myself the wrong challenge, I think. 100 hours of writing did not work out. It's possible that it is because of the timing and the moving and the upheaval and nanowrimo and everything else that's happening. Under other circumstances it might have been perfect.... but that's one of the things about a challenge, it has to fit your life the way it is.
Wow--so much possibility on your horizon. I admire your willingness to start over, particularly with kids in tow. I dream about buying a bigger house (anything is bigger than a trailer, right?), dream about other places, dream dream dream but don't actually DO it. But here you are, stepping off into the unknown even despite feeling uneasy. Here's a giant HOO-RAH for you.
The final altered page shown here is awesome--that glowing red just takes my breath. So full of life, possibility, change, danger, passion.
My family went on vacation to California in '99. For lack of a better expression, it was WONDERFUL. There's such a vibrant energy in San Francisco. And yes, their thrift shops were amazing--you wouldn't believe what people give up there. :)
i came to the Bay Area 10 years ago, never planning on staying long, and here I be, in a lovely life that is nothing like it used to be, and I am ever so happy.... packing, upheaval, hard, but you seem to be making the a beautiful story of it all...
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