Pitt Artist Pen and roller ball pen on paper, 7"x10"
Let's talk about abundance. The 10th Secret of the 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women is about Living in Abundance with Positive Priorities.
Talk about something that creates happiness, this is up there with being in the moment.
Both are things that exist within the mind. As does happiness, don't you know?
What? Abundance is within the mind?
It sure as heck is not in the wallet. You can have millions of dollars flowing in and still feel like you are lacking. You can be without a job or steady income, living in someone else's spare room and feel rich.
I think it's about accepting what you already have, accepting who you already are, and moving out from there. That doesn't mean you can't go out and get more money and more stuff, but as long as you are trying to plug that hole of lack with things, it's just not going to work. The hole is not made of things, so it cannot be filled with things.
I'm not lucky because I have the things I have. This was not luck... or rather, it was my luck, neither good nor bad. I've worked hard to make it feel good. It seems so silly. What's not good about living in Florida with grapefruit and key lime and carambola trees surrounding your house? Oh, well, you see, that part is good, but I've never wanted to live in Florida. I cam here for family, and to help us get our feet back on the ground. I could easily see this period of life as a failure, but instead, I chose to see the abundance. The weather, the flowers, the family, the garden, the security, the time to follow my art into a place and time where it might someday allow more financial security.
THIS is abundance. Looking for flowers instead of political sewage. Looking for margaritas instead of friends who are all thousands of miles away. And it's okay. It's abundant. And it is building a future that I know will be full of even more abundance...
Because I am not waiting for luck, or for a paycheck to make my life abundant. I am creating it right here. Right now. Where I am.
I invite you to live in the state of Blooming Flowers, where ever you are, whether you live in "Florida" or not.
I am tapping into my own personal Florida too :) I can certainly smell the flowers :)
Happiness really is a state of mind. I spent so many years with wanting, children, a house, a secure job. All those years I forgot about me....working on fixing those holes you talked about. I finally got all the things I wanted and then was shocked that life was still hard, that I was still sad. It was not until I mended my own heart that the flowers began to grow.
Focusing on our abundance can only help us grow personally and artistically! Great thoughts to start my morning ;)
I lived in Florida for three years. My time there was very different from any other in my life. I could actually look at it as failing as I moved back home with a broken heart and lots of sadness. Instead, I look at it as a catalyst for my decision to go to New York and get my Masters. I never would have done that had Florida not happened.
Wonderful post. I love your positive outlook and that flower is just gorgeous! Wishing you a very abundant week.
We're a little trapped in Maryland and think about moving to Florida! My oldest daughter just moved to Florida and we think about moving down there sometimes. I have heard Tampa St. Petes area has a hoppin' arts scene.
I love your flying girls by the way.
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