Golden Fluid Acrylics, Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens, and white gel pens on paper, 7"x10"
Sometimes I forget that this is all about the adventure. It's not about getting things right or being rich or even being productive. I forget that I am not just a person on this journey of life, but I am constantly in flux myself. I am not a thing, I am a being. I am the living. I am the adventure.
So I drew myself a hippie chick on a safari. Or maybe she's on a walkabout. Or maybe she's just hiking into the landscape. It really doesn't matter where she is or what she's doing on this trek, or where she's going to end up. What matters is that she continues on, like the light, like the sky, like an adventure.
I also am incorporating the prompt for Inspire Me Thursday, late though I am. Well, the prompt it "I am."
I like this hippie chick. Great colors and details. Declaring that "I am a being" is a wonderful affirmation of life as constant energy and hopefully, growth.
I love the recurring patterns and the colors. Your flying girls are powerful, beautiful and meaningful!
Great illo. Nice colors :)
I need to remember "I am not a thing I am a being." I love that.
I love the hippie-chick, and the swirls of her adventure. And yes, that seems to be just about right--the BEING the living, BEING the adventure. It's so easy to get caught up in all of everything else, and forget that.
This one is particularly fun to look at because of the colors, and the hills and tree--those somehow make her higher off the ground and more in her own space.
I was reading what you wrote in an earlier post about making a painting every day, and it seems like such a good exercise (for yourself as LIFE, not for any of those other reasons). I've been trying to draw everyday, but making a painting is more than that. How big are these?
here from IMT and wanted to tell you how much I like your work Rowena...flying girl is a surprise around each corner
i am
Thanks everyone.
Coreopsis, this painting is 7x10", but when I started doing my painting a day (which is now more like painting 5 out of 7 days) I was paining in my journal. Those paintings are about 5"x8". The journal paintings felt safer to me, as if it wasn't as high stakes.
In order to paint a picture everyday, I found I needed to collect ideas, sketches, inspirations all day long.
Oh, and I decided to try it out because it scared me and I didn't think I could... so if you like the idea, but it's too scary to try, maybe you should anyway. :)
Oh, I am a hippie chick, so this one was really fun for me.
I've been away for a while too. I always love your flying girls and I love your thoughts that go along with this one. So right on.
WE are our own adventures. I am mind and you are yours and when we get to join each other for alittle while, why, the adventure becomes a safari!!
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