Girl of the Deep Sleep
Girl of Something Being Born
Girl of the Storm Clouds
all Golden Fluid Acrylic and Watercolor Pencil on Paper, 2.5"x3.5"
Hi. I took the weekend off. Sort of. I kept painting, did some more research, listed a few things in etsy.
I have been totally stumped on the Flying Girls, although I have been trying. Finally, I just painted over one that I'd been struggling with and started over with a night time background over the sea. I did it in the very bright sunshine in the garden, and out there it was a vibrant blue, but when I looked at it last night, it was nearly black. Hmm. I may just have to let it stay the way it is, because garsh, I'm tired of struggling with that painting. There comes a time when you have to let go of an idea and say, it's good enough. And then move on.
I definitely feel as if I am in transition here. As if things are starting to come through, but before they do, it's going to get dark and stormy. Or maybe it already is dark and stormy, but the light is starting to show.
It's like that Buddhist saying, "It's always darkest before the dawn."
If you look at the Girls up there, you can see this story, too. In order of painting, it is Storm Clouds, Sleep and Born.
Storm Clouds is my knowing little Boricua, probably from Washington Heights (where my cousins used to live), and she's been through the storms. But that smile and that flower in her hand is a reminder that after the rain comes the flowers. She knows it's tough now, but she also knows that storms pass, and we are washed clean and energized by their trials.
Then theres pretty little Sleep, a reminder that we have to rest and take care of ourselves. Allow the night to rejuvenate us. Allow the dreams to rise and grow strong. Step back. Be quiet. Sleep.
And lastly, look how gentle Born is. I think she's about being kind to ourselves. Could it be a baby she is holding? It sure could, but it could also be a project, or a new path in life, or a beautiful new idea.
Are these ways we struggle through?
I think so. Are these talismans to get us through the darkness. I think they are. In fact, when I found out the prompt for Illustration Friday was "talisman," I was at a loss. Not because I couldn't think of anyway to represent talisman in my art, but because I was already involved in making art talismans. Or talismans in art.
Sometimes those are the most difficult prompts for me, when I am already engaged in the topic, I wonder, "well how can I use this to prompt my art?" But then, maybe I don't need to do something more, maybe I just need to relax into what is already there.
Yeah. So here are my talismans. You can have them for your own, here, and here, and here.
lovely group of young ladies all with importance attached to them.
I so enjoy reading your post connected to your paintings. You bring them to life with your words. Another great expression of your creativity!
The art work is incredible-but the story behind them brings them to such a greater -peace.
Thank you for sharing your process--and theirs...
yep. your talismans are telling. storms come and go, but the heart of a strong woman stays the same.
The seem like strong talismans!
My husband came on over to your site, and has agreeded. We must have flying girls to decorate Molly's room when we finally find a house and move.
I like these too.
Isn't it amazing when things just line up like that, with the Illustrtaion Friday topic? Crazy. ANd I agree that sometimes it's best (and feels really good!) to just paint over a painting that's not working or that you're struggling with. And if transitions = dark & stormy, then I am right there with you, sister, RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. xoxo
oops-- that was supposed to say Illustration Friday. My 'send button' finger is too quick for me sometimes!
Looks like the beginnings of a woman's empowerment pack! I love how you present them, with opening curtains. They are gorgeous :)
Oh, I do love the first one. It looks like the beginning of a really strange and satisfying fairytale (with a wonderful heroine).
Yeah, I think it was Julia Cameron who talked about this in between place as turbulence. We fly along smoothly, all is well, and then we hit turbulence and it shakes us up a bit, but it's all just part of the journey and we'll move through it to smoothness on the other side.
Keep on playing. Sounds like these talismans are guiding you though!!
Oh, my friends, your comments mean so much. Part of the turbulence means it is harder to respond to you individually right away. Even if I don't get back to you, you can be rest assured I am listening and valuing everything you say.
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