Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Book Lists and Journal Pages and Happy Stamps

My Booklist Page, in my handmade stamped journal planner
Yay public library! Unfortunately, whenever I go to the library I am always stumped as to what to take out. There are so many choices and my reading time is so limited compared to what it used to be that I hate wasting solo time on books that I hate.

I've started doing research online into good books to read, taking suggestions and reading reviews. But I always forget the books that I want to get. So then I made a library pin board on pinterest, with all the books, booklists, suggestions, reviews, favorites and general library mayhem that I can find. But I can't carry my computer to the library and login to pinterest. I can put a hold on books in the library as I find them of interest, but I'm starting to feel bad about making the librarians do my leg work. I know how to use a library, I don't need them to go dig my book out of the stacks and hold it at the desk... unless it's an interlibrary loan, then all bets are off. 

So I've decided, to save my time, energy, confusion and librarians, that I will make a place for my books int he back of the planner that I'm making. I've got one page for books for me, and one page for books for my kids. 
 My Book List
Notice that I've checked them off if I've taken them out of the library, and if I've read them, I give starred reviews. I'm putting books that I'd like to read again on my booklist, just to keep them in mind. I'm big into fantasy, sci fi, magical realism, paranormal, alternate realities, YA books, mythology, weirdness, fairy tales and speculative fiction in general. I'm hoping that keeping a list like this in my planner/journal will keep me from losing all the books I write down on little scraps of paper or hidden on random pages of my regular journal.

The Kids' Book List
The boy and I went through this book list and chose things he'd like to read. He made some surprising choices like this one. But we're still deep into Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, so I'm waiting to take out his books.

I'm still choosing books for the girl... she hasn't really made it to chapter books yet. She still needs pictures to stay focused. We tried Little House on the Prairie and she's kind of iffy on being able to concentrate on them, so I thought I'd save Little House for a later date so she can truly enjoy them. I need to find some chapter books that are heavy on the pictures, as in, like, on every page. If anyone has any suggestions for books that are good for pre-readers, who enjoy girly things, girl heroes, princesses, animals, ballet, the color pink and are also good enough stories not to make me want to poke my eyes out when I read them every night, I would be much obliged.

Anyway, I'm enjoying finding stuff to do with my growing collection of handmade stamps. Could I just list my books on a plain page? Why sure I could, but the colors and patterns and pictures make me happy. I'm experimenting and trying out different ways to use these stamps and every time I think of another stamp I need, I just get up and carve it. Cool. 

Go Book lists. Go stamping. Go libraries. Go yummy books.

Oh hey, I think I need to make a page where I can write down all the good, lovely things that make me happy. What should I stamp it with? Flowers? Sunshine? Hearts? I'm thinking I need to carve some more lovelies.


  1. LOVE this!! I lost your blog link when I changed computers. Great to be reading again :)

  2. Love this idea! Far more attractive than the excel spreadsheet I keep my book and library info on. Thanks for the idea and inspiration to create!

  3. I have signed on to a number of book challenges and it has really encouraged my reading.
    Have you read "The Hunger Games" series? Loved it. Will have to check out your lists on pinterest!
    Loving your stamps and planner.

  4. Since you like to read, I wondered if you might be interested in learning more about cryptic crosswords. If so, this is a link to a post I did recently on cryptic crossword clues that involve anagrams. Cryptic Crossword Clues - Anagrams

  5. Cat, glad to have you back. You didn't miss much because I pretty much stopped blogging for a while. Trying to get it back.

    Christina, I really like having paper and ink... computers are great, but there's nothing like holding something in your hand.

    Beverly, I LOVE LOVE the Hunger Games. "Divergent" is a great book that I found that is comparable to HG. And I've been looking. It's my favorite so far. On my pinterest boards, there's a pin about books that are like The Hunger Games.

    And Carole I suck at crosswords. :(


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