Friday, March 06, 2009

It's Okay to Just Breathe

My paintings take longer than they used to, so I don't always have a fresh Flying Girl to post every day-- but I do have these postcards. I sent these out to a friend in need a while back, one with whom I was already in contact with via email, so I didn't feel the need to write letters to her, but I wanted to give her a little extra inspiration.
So I took a series of postcards from the wonderful Christine Miller Mason, otherwise known as Swirly Girl, and author of Ordinary Sparkling Moments, and sent them off to my friend. I collaged them, or painted, or wrote inspirational quotes.

Frankly, I need these reminders myself sometimes. In fact, I posted Swirly's two postcard above because those are two prompts I need to get myself up and off of my ass sometimes.

And my own addition, at the top? Well, I get wound up sometimes. Even the act of painting everyday makes me get all confuzzled with havetos and shoulds.

Sometimes, a lot of the times, I have to remind myself that I am not only living this life to produce and care for and be heard, but also to just breathe. Especially when I am accomplishing a lot and going at top speed, I need to remember this.


Don't forget to just breathe, sometimes.

You don't have to run to keep up. Just love what you love. Be what you be.



  1. As I write this comment, I am looking at my deck covered with bits of ice and snow. When the warm weather arrives, I'll pull up a chair, close my eyes and breathe (not think for a change). Sometimes I overload my mind. Thanks for reminding me to slow down and just exist. I probably will have to sneak out to get away from those kids for that liberating moment :)

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    ahhhhhhhhh, just the reminder I need everyday, too! These are wonderful. I think I know of a blog that might like to post some things like this.... :)

  3. Breath.


  4. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Breathe. Yes. I might throw some sleep in there too.

  5. Ah, but Flying Girl makes a cameo appearance in my story Tongue in Cheek on my blog today. Come find her.

  6. I am glad the postcards inspired you!!


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