Sunday, October 19, 2008

Flying Girl Sometimes Suffers from Anxiety, or Nervous

Flying Girl Sometimes Suffers from Anxiety, or Nervous
Golden Fluid Acrylic and Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens.

This was the Inspire Me Thursday prompt, Nervous. I actually wanted to make her much less nervous, inside of a calm bubble, in that chaotic world. It didn't work out. Flying Girl is nervous, there is no way to pretend serenity.

Maybe that's okay. There is nothing wrong with the various states of being. No one is bad for feeling anxiety. Maybe if we can admit to our own anxiety (depression, neurosis, egotism, obsessiveness or whatever imbalance we have), then we can get closer to balance.

Striped Flying Girl Grins 10/18/08
The Big Draw #18
Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens

For instance, this grinning flying girl fully accepts her own uglies. She embraces them and in the face of them, is beautiful. Watch out if she asks you to dance, though... you might be in for a wild ride.

Interestingly, Ivy was watching me while I drew her. If I went too near the stripes, to try to fix them or add a detail, she would cry, "noooo." Hm. I think she liked the stripes. I might be raising me a little baby fashionista. She does love her accessories.Jarett Monster and the Cupcake, 10/18/08
The Big Draw 18
Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pen.

This is Striped Flying Girl's little brother. He was actually the first striped monster to be drawn, before stripey FG. He was inspired by an old student of mine, who used to draw these monsters with barred teeth. Years later, I would find graffiti scattered about NYC of his monsters and I knew the Jarrett Monster had been there.

My Jarrett monster is not quite at ease with his uglies... as he hasn't quite learned to understand them, yet. But if you give him a cupcake, he will be very happy.

Sometimes all we need is a cupcake.

What is your cupcake of choice that helps you through your uglies? I think mine is fun tv. So You Think You Can Dance, or Heroes, or America's Next Top Model... escapist stuff. Maybe I shouldn't paint during those shows, multi tasking my night into anxiety, but just have a cupcake, and enjoy.


  1. i get nervous for the contestants on these shows, we're watching the x factor here....

  2. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Love them all, very fun, and maybe a little scary :) cupcake, yes, a cupcake solves all problems

  3. Poor FG, maybe she needs a cupcake today too.

    I'll have a cupcake myself please. : )

  4. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I love how Flying Girl seems to have a life of her own, the good, the bad, the all of it. I'm only just learning that I can feel crazy neurotic AND calm at the same time! Perhaps this is something Flying Girls are born knowing...

  5. FG ~ all are fun. for some reason I am drawn to the second one, ms. grin.
    Gosh it has been so long since i have had a cupcake. I would have to say my cupcake is a glass of red wine.

  6. Your illustrations are Fabulous!
    Happy Halloween!

  7. My monster is named Jarrett too. So cool!

  8. FG definitely looks wired. Maybe they all do. The first drawing with the sunflower head. The second with braces. Clever.

  9. love the stories that go with your sweet drawings....


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