Saturday, October 04, 2008

Flying Girl Plays in the Sweet Life, or Sugar

Flying Girl Plays in the Sweet Life, or Sugar
Golden Fluid Acrylic.

This is gonna be short because I had a busy day on not very much sleep, but I muscled through to both paint something new and post. This painting was inspired by the prompt over at Illustration Friday, the word being "sugary".

What's going on with FG today? She's learning it doesn't all have to be Go Go Go. She doesn't always have to be goal oriented, Focused on making that journey and developing her flying muscles.

Sometimes it's okay to enjoy things a little. Sometimes it's okay to allow the sweetness of life to buoy you through the more labor intensive times. Sometimes it's also okay to interact with the world around you. FG is not just in the world of air and thought, but down on earth, playing with the sugar flowers. That reminds me of the clovers we used to pluck when we were litte. We would pick the little purple petals and suck out the nectar for the sweetness. Why can't we do a little more of that in this forward motion life? Sometimes I think the stopping and smelling of the roses is what propels us along farther, faster.

For the Big Draw, I was actually inspired by a part of Keri Smith's book. She has an intro on her site comparing her book to a museum that will contain our unique vision of the world. I thought, hey! I can do that. What is my unique vision? What is the museum of my creativity?
The Museum of Me, Big Draw #4
Writing: (exterior) Love Fountain, Road to the Future, Experience Sculpture Garden, Intention Slope, Gentel Gardens, Zen path, Commitment Fountain, Faith Steps, Path Fountain, Joy Steps, (interior) Awe Arches, Beauty Atrium, Reception, Maps, WC, Coat check, Contemporary Color, The Culture Galleries, Media, Internet, Books, Everyday Sublime, Inspiration in the Divine, Stop and Smell the Cafe, Observation Balcony, It's the little things Shoppe, Perspective Balcony, The Hall of Histories and Mysteries, Silence Observatory, Baby Steps Gallery, The Nature Courtyard and the rest benches.

When I was a child, I loved to create drawings of houses. The younger me drew cross sections, with rooms and their purposes. When I was older, I drew floorplans and dreamed of architecture until I realized how much math I needed (still dealing with my math phobia). So the idea of creating my own museum just sounds fun. Plus, I love the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Natural History Museum. I know it's not really what people think of when they think of drawing, but it's what struck me. And the color is to make the rooms clearer, and hey, just get a little creative, because if I can't get creative with the museum of me, really, that just doesn't make sense.

I do know that there are stairs leading up and leading down, so there are more rooms to explore. But not tonight. Tonight I'm going to go to sleep and hope the kids don't get up too early.


  1. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Museum of me! Love it. I'll be dreaming all night of my own museum. Extremely clever, and colorful.

  2. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Wonderful, the idea of a museum of me! Interesting place.

  3. I love Keri Smith's stuff, I started 100 things last year and am still working thru it. Museum eh? that could take up alot of time and would be so much fun. and I think this is a great drawing.

  4. You crack me up! You say you have to be quick, or not much time but ALWAYS have such a great post. I wish I was "quick" like that.

    I am going to go hang with Flying Girl today. She knows a great place to stop and smell the sugar. Love the color combo once again.

    Wow, museum of me! Fabulous! I have to tell you there was a friend of mine I grew up with and we did this endlessly...houses that is. In fact even in our college and young adult lives everytime we moved we would send the "floor plan" to the other along with our dreams for those rooms. This brings back a flood of memories, thanks!

  5. flying girl is simple and 'sweet'. and happy big draw day.

  6. Hi, I love your flying girl. Nice work!

  7. Great work Rowena!

  8. Me too! I have about 6 different "Dream House" plans that I would draw out in great detail and now they are some of my most precious memories of who I was and what I created!!

    I love that you do this too. I am not surprised.

    I am just loving you, Rowena...even if my life has been in utter chaos and all my work has kept me from commenting as much as I would like to, i still feel so connected to you.

  9. Lovely IF entry! Loved the cool idea of the "Museum of You" too!


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