Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I stayed up late to do the Illustration Friday challenge: Enough. It was so confrontational. Illustration is scary to me, despite the fact that I have been doing and studying art since I was five. Illustration is a commercial field, as in, not for one's own enjoyment, but for money. Cashola. Somehow I have always felt that I am not quite good enough to be paid for who I am and what I do. I'll give it away for free, but I won't try to be paid. This is just one of those landmines that my psyche has dropped into my path.

The fear in joining this illustration challenge is that I would be rusty, be not quite good enough, clumsy and awkward, have no defined style and nothing to say.

Then I remembered the Be Brave project (which I had been avoiding) and got up the gumption and...

And that's where the prompt Enough comes into play. Because that's the question. When will you have had enough of the fears? Enough of the self sabotage? Enough of the perfectionism? When will you finally put all that behind you and stretch out your arms, taking the leap of faith that you can fly?

Faber Castell Pitt artist pens and Holbein acrylic gouache.

edited to add: actually, I had trouble adding my link, and I have to put the kids to bed, so hopefully I will get a chance to do that after the kids have gone to bed. It is all still a learning process.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I'm not saying this because I'm trying to play nice in the blogosphere. But I love that illustration. It has graceful lines and soothing color and it strikes me as sad and beautiful. Maybe hopeful.

    I'd hang it on my wall in a heartbeat.

    Go jump again.

  2. I agree with the previous post, it is a fabulous illustration... and speaking as an illustrator myself although illustration is a commercial practice we are all racked with self doubt and although it is joyous to earn a living doing something we love, it is difficult to ask for money for it.

  3. A powewrful image and beautifuly done.

  4. This is a beautifully powerful and thought provoking illustartion and knowing your story behind it makes is more so. Some times we have to jump, take a change and see if the world will catch us when we fall. Have faith in your talent, when you believe in your self and decide that this is what you want it will all start to come together :)

  5. I agree with previous comments -
    You have captured emotion in a seemingly simple work. I hope to see you again at Creative Every Day - that's how I found you.
    I'm not an illustrator, but I sell my work (jewelry & paintings). I find it difficult to assign prices and to sell my work. But why do we have to not enjoy something that we do to earn money?

  6. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Gorgeous work...I would totally hang's thoughtprovoking and beautiful - what a joy to watch you grow your talents and take this creative journey

  7. It's a great illustration. It's beautifully done and a great representation of the story behind it. I love that the jumper seem to go up instead of succumbing to gravity... Obviously you've had enough with the self doubts and took the jump!

  8. These are all really amazing comments. Very inspirational to me.

    You all remind me that this is kind of the natural state of the artist (of whatever stripe.) The self doubt is part of the natural process. Here I was thinking that it was just me and no one else struggled with this. Of course they do. I knew this, I just thought it was different this time.

    I guess it's never different.

  9. wow. awe.

    When I see beautiful creations like this I immediately go to that place of thinking, "There are so many talented artists out there, how can there be enough room for all of us to have success and creation?" And then I remember how abundant the universe is, especially for those of us who recognize this and I rejoice in your talents my friend. They will teach me and inspire me and I thank you.


I'd love to hear your thoughts, small or large. It all adds to the conversation.