Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Arte Y Pico Blog Award

Another first for Rowena. I have gotten an award! I'm not used to this, I feel a little bashful, in addition to grateful. But I like it. ;)

Natasha, over at Creative Nachos gave me the award, and it is a beautiful little trophy. Thank you Natasha for thinking of me. I am happy that we've 'met' and look forward to a long association, and lots of mutual inspiration. You would have been on my list if you hadn't given it to me, you little minx, you.

I've been hemming and hawing over who to pass it on to, trying to decide, make a balance between artists and writers and spiritual guides, and then I saw someone I wanted to give one to had already been awarded with it, so I'd better get on the ball and start passing out the award and stop being afraid to make a decision or leave people out or be rejected by the cool kids. If you're keeping count, this is another thing for my Be Brave list.

The Arte Y Pico Blog Award is given to bloggers who inspire others with their creativity, and for contributing to the blogging world in whatever medium. The Arte Y Pico site is written in Spanish by a doll maker named Esey, as near as I can figure out with my rather bad Spanish.

There are some rules that go along with this award. The Arte Y Pico Award rules are:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award through creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogger community, no matter of language.
2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.
3. Award winners have to post the award with the name and link to the blog of the person who gave them the award.
4. Please include a link to the “Arte Y Pico” blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.

My first award goes to the genius Elsita. I am continually amazed with the beauty and generosity and depth and breadth of her work, and she was one of the first bloggers to welcome me to the blogging community, even if she is tremendous and I am small.

My second award takes a different tack on creativity. Perhaps she isn't the same type of visual artist, but her serene, wise spirituality and wonderful writing have again and again steered me back to the page and the computer and the muse. So, this one is for Karen at Cheerio Road. Oh, yeah, and the breath of fresh air that is her Zen Writer's Workshop

My third award, I have decided, will go to Mapelba, of Writing on the Water, for her tiny badgers, and her poetic and evocative writing, and the world that she is writing that I am leery of getting into, for I am afraid that it will trap me and wrap me up and I will never want to leave until her novel comes out at Barnes and Noble.

My fourth award is going to someone I have been reading since way back in the day when I first started blogging, when I was too intimidated to leave comments and take part. I lost her for a while, and recently discovered her again in my search for creative blogging compatriots. For her wonderful heart, beautiful photos, constant inspiration and her fiercely creative living, I give the Arte Y Pico award to Andrea at Superhero Designs. You are your own Superhero.

And last, but never least, I give the fifth award to Patty over at Daily Goddess. A cohort in crime, a woman who is always looking to fire the inspiration, to calm the soul, to struggle past those blocks and help everyone reach their creative potential.

If your name is not on this list, it isn't because I wasn't thinking of you, believe me. I am so thankful to be meeting so many of you. Your creativity and thoughtfulness and inspiring words and images spur me on. Maybe I will make my own award and start passing that out. Hmm. that would be a big challenge to the fear.


  1. Anonymous11:23 PM

    All feelings are mutual Rowena. Where would we be without each other? I am honored to feather your nest, and to push you out of it from time to time.

  2. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Oh my God Rowena!
    This award is a real honor to me.
    First of all I want to say: CONGRATULATIONS! For being the great person that you are, you deserve this award and many more. And I also want to say thank you so much for passing the Arte y Pico award to me. I will put it in a very special place in my heart.
    I wish you all the beautiful things that you deserve!
    Elsita :)

  3. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Thank you. I only just 'met' you here in cyberspace, but I like you very much already... that's pre-award too. Also, thanks for even thinking my work might one day grace the bookstore shelves. That's inspiration right there.

    I've got to think about this and how I'm going to say what I ought to say. Thank you again.

  4. Que maravilloso, Rowena! Very much deserved.

  5. Anonymous5:30 PM

    You rock...thank you for the thank you and for letting me know you would have sent it my way as well. You deserve it kiddo. You are amazing...keep writing, painting, sharing...I'm so glad we "met" on this playground!

    I love this list of creative peeps. I'm going to check them out.

  6. *Blows kisses, takes deep bows*

    No, You. No, You.


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